Tuesday, December 1, 2015
No Parents Left Behind: Giving Tuesday:Give the Gift that change lives for...
No Parents Left Behind: Giving Tuesday:Give the Gift that change lives for...: Giving Tuesday: Give the Gift that change lives forever What is it in a gift that makes everyone so excited and happy? So happy that i...
Giving Tuesday:
Give the Gift that change lives forever
What is it in a gift that makes everyone so excited and
happy? So happy that it makes them cry with joy and excitement? A gift means that you are
special! It means that somebody cares about you!
Today is GivingTuesday, the perfect time
to start the Holiday season of giving a gift to others. A gift that is
carefully selected with someone in mind has the power to change the receiver
forever. Especially if these gift can
make the difference between the life and death of a child in need. With
this simple act of thinking of others rather than yourself, you are given
others the precious give of life, happiness and love. That is the power of a gift - it tells the
receiver that someone cares and that they are loved.
Today I am supporting and fundraising for
the Shot@Life campaign. Shot@Life is a campaign of the United Nations
Foundation that educates, connects and empowers Americans to champion vaccines
as one of the most cost-effective ways to save the lives of children in
developing countries.
you help me this Holiday season to provide the gift of life and protection, for
other children like these,from deadly diseases - like polio. Polio used to cripple hundreds of children
a day, but thanks to vaccines it is nearly eradicated! Today only, MAM Baby, a
pacifier company, has agreed to DOUBLE your gift to Shot@Life by matching all
donations dollar-for-dollar. We are raising money to
protect a new generation of children from polio. We can stop this disabling
disease in its tracks! Your gift to Shot@Life TODAY will be doubled. With a gift of $20 or more, you can protect at least 40 children from this debilitating disease.
You can give a child the gift of life. Donate here http://www.globalproblems-globalsolutions.org/site/TR/Events/ShotLife?px=3255392&pg=personal&fr_id=1080and
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
No Parents Left Behind: HAPPYPNEUMONIA DAY! (Not Really…)November12th is...
No Parents Left Behind: HAPPYPNEUMONIA DAY! (Not Really…)
November12th is...: HAPPY PNEUMONIA DAY! (Not Really…) November 12th is World Pneumonia Day! This is an effort to create more awareness and understan...
November12th is...: HAPPY PNEUMONIA DAY! (Not Really…) November 12th is World Pneumonia Day! This is an effort to create more awareness and understan...
PNEUMONIA DAY! (Not Really…)
12th is World Pneumonia Day! This is an
effort to create more awareness and understanding about how this terrible
disease is the number 1 Infectious killer of children under 5 years of
age. Here are a couple of my experiences
of working in the field with children in developing countries:
Summer I was in the mountains of Sierra de Mixtla of Altamirano, Veracruz to work
and volunteer in Texiquila with children that live in the top of the mountains,
far away from any cities and medical facilities. These children are smart, eager to learn and
have many dreams and hopes for their futures.
The sad part was seeing the poverty and living conditions where they
lived, lacking basic foods and care while growing up in unsanitary conditions
and poor nutrition. While most healthy
children can fight an infection with their natural defenses, children in poor
countries - like these - are at a higher risk for developing many childhood
diseases like diarrhea, measles and pneumonia.
These kids have immune systems that are easily compromised and weakened
by malnutrition and undernourishment and live too far away from access to adequate
medical care and proper health facilities when needed.
to the parents of these children, I learned that in a day’s work - from dawn to
dusk – most of them earn only the equivalent of $8.00 to $10.00! Their financial poverty is yet another disease
afflicting them and their families - and severely limiting their children’s future
there, I shared meals with them. Because
I was a guest and benefactor they prepared the best meals they had... bean
tacos! Bean tacos! BEAN TACOS! (All the
containers on the table in the picture are filled only with bean tacos. There’s absolutely no variety among them!) We also dined with some chili, water and a
corn-mix drink; but mostly bean tacos. I
felt humbled for the honor and grateful for the experience!
However, by
the end of the week I was very sick with diarrhea and had to go to the hospital. The closest one was 4 hours from the
mountains where I received treatment and antibiotics. I was dehydrated and sick for the whole week
afterward! Luckily I had the resources
and money to pay for proper medical care and I knew what to do.
for many mothers there – and in other poor countries – they can only helplessly
watch their children struggle with diarrhea, fever and pneumonia while gasping
for air. It is terrifying for them to
not know how serious or urgent their condition is upon being forced to witness
such suffering. In these circumstances a
mother only knows that her child needs care and urgent attention, but doesn’t
have the money or transportation needed for travel to the nearest clinic or to
pay for a doctor.
Here are some of the children I am talking about in my blog:
Children like these in Mubende, Uganda
Children like these in the Railway School in Kampala, Uganda
Children in Texiquila, Mixtla the Altamirano, Veracruz, Mexico
pneumonia kills more children under the age of five than AIDS, tuberculosis and
malaria combined. Pneumonia is the
leading cause of preventable child deaths in the world, killing 1.3 million
children a year. The mayority of these
deaths occur in developing countries which are among the poorest and in the
most difficult-to-reach areas of the world.
The pneumococcal vaccine is an easy way to prevent pneumonia in these children
and only costs $5.00 for one dose.
You can fully protect a child for $10.00.
On September
26-28, world leaders visited New York City for the United Nations Sustainable
Development Summit. They decided upon 17
Global Goals, committing to end poverty and inequality and tackling climate
change by 2030. We must tackle pneumonia
as a part Goal Number 3: “Good Health and Well-Being”.
A total of 47 million children have received the pneumococcal conjugate
vaccine since the first Gavi-supported introduction in 2010. Yet, there is still more to be done. The U.S. government has strongly supported
global health programs, but we must be vigilant and continue our efforts.
We need
your help and support to decrease child mortality by:
- Donating money to fully immunize a child. $10.00 will fully protect one (1) child against pneumonia. (You can save as many you’d like!)
- Helping to expand access to vaccines for children in developing countries.
- Meet with your members of Congress and ask them to support global health.
- Providing good nutrition and sanitation practices for all children, world-wide.
- Helping to promote & provide easy access to medical treatment as needed.
- Training health workers to diagnose and treat the disease
Thursday, August 20, 2015
No Parents Left Behind: Everyone Can Be a Life-Saving Hero!!I am excited...
No Parents Left Behind: Everyone Can Be a Life-Saving Hero!!
I am excited...: Everyone Can Be a Life-Saving Hero!! I am excited and humbled for the opportunity to participate again in the Shot@Life annual Blog...
I am excited...: Everyone Can Be a Life-Saving Hero!! I am excited and humbled for the opportunity to participate again in the Shot@Life annual Blog...
Everyone Can Be a Life-Saving Hero!!
I am excited and humbled for the opportunity
to participate again in the Shot@Life annual Blogust blog
relay. As I write this blog I feel such gratitude for
this relay!. I have loved this campaign since
its beginning in 2012 when I became a champion. Since then I have loved advocating, creating awareness
and fundraising for Shot@Life. Like I have
said before, this cause has resonated with me and it should resonate with
anyone who cares about human lives - especially children’s lives. This is very personal for me, because I
witnessed, firsthand, the pain and sorrow of mothers when their children were
suffering from easily curable illnesses.
I remember some mothers holding back their tears while cradling their dead
child in their arms. Many times I felt so
powerless to ease the pain in these mothers’ eyes, or to prevent a child’s death
because we lacked the most basic of medical care. It was so heartbreaking when we didn’t have
enough medicine and vaccines to administer, or when mothers came too late for
us to do anything to save their children.

I was
born in Mexico and went to nursing school there. One of my favorite things to do while in
school, and afterward, was to participate in many vaccine campaigns. As a young nurse going to rural areas with
containers full of precious vaccines was an incredible feeling, the whole
experience was full of excitement!
Children would run and hide from us not wanting the needles; and their determined
mothers would chase them down, and then line them up on the concrete school
basket ball courts or soccer fields where we would set up. Many other mothers came from neighboring
communities having walked many miles, riding horses, donkeys or using a canoe to
get there. Over and over I would hear the
mothers say “You need to get your shots so you will not get sick and die like
your brother…sister, cousin or friend”.
These mothers knew how important the vaccines were for their children. They knew that one (1) shot was the
difference between life and death for them, and did everything they could to
make sure they got vaccinated. As they would
gather and line up, I also saw many children with
distended abdomens where insufficient nutrition was evident. They looked anemic and some were hungry;
others were suffering from diarrhea, pneumonia, tetanus and many other illnesses. I promise myself that I will do everything in
my power to help and make a difference in others children lives. "A Shot@Life From Mexico to the World"(a young nurse's story)
Today I am
challenging you to use your power as one person who saves the life of one child. Do you know that every 20 seconds one child
dies in some poor country for lack of a vaccine for an easily-preventable
disease? Be a hero and save some lives by
donating a vaccine to a child in need every
time. YOU comment, share, like and repost this blog entry to any of
your social media channels with the hashtag #blogust. Every single one of those actions (comments,
share, like & repost) translates to one vaccine donated to a child around
the world by Project Perpetual, Shot@Life and The UN Foundation.
2. Children inTetxiquila,Veracruz, Mexico (Summer 2015) |
This month, during Shot@Life’s Blogust 2015—a month-long blog relay - some of North America's most beloved online writers, photo and video bloggers and Shot@Life Champions will come together and share inspirational quotes for their children.
Monday, April 27, 2015
The Power of One
Anniversary Shot@Life!!! I can hardly believe
that it was 3 years ago in January that I attended the first Shot@Life Summit
in Washington DC where the campaign was inaugurated. Later on April 26, 2012 the campaign did
their National Launch from Atlanta, Georgia.
We grew from 45 champions in 2012 to 600+ champions now in 50 states. We had raised over $3.5 million,enough for 15.8 million vaccines and we keep growing each day.
April is a very important month for children! We celebrate Children’s Day on April 30, and we celebrate World Immunization Week this April 24 – 30. During this week organizations around the world will raise their voices to educate, promote and increase the rate of immunization against vaccine-preventable diseases. As a nurse from a developing country, I still remember walking into small rural towns &
![]() |
January 2012 Shot@Life Champions |
April is a very important month for children! We celebrate Children’s Day on April 30, and we celebrate World Immunization Week this April 24 – 30. During this week organizations around the world will raise their voices to educate, promote and increase the rate of immunization against vaccine-preventable diseases. As a nurse from a developing country, I still remember walking into small rural towns &
I have always believed in the power of ONE. One (1) is a powerful number and without ONE
you will not reach 10, 100, 1000, 10,000, etc. Every worthy project,
program or cause started because ONE person believed in change, or because ONE
person had the courage to follow his or her dream and passion. For example, on April 12th,
60 years ago in 1955, Jonas Salk’s inactivated polio vaccine was proven safe
and effective in protecting children from the poliovirus. Every ONE of you can be ONE of these real change
agents! You
are that ONE person who can make a change and save many children’s lives! You have the power! You are the ONE to love; you are the ONE to
be excited; and you are the ONE to believe in and share this cause with many

I love the Shot@Life Campaign! This campaign encompasses everything ONE
person needs to make a difference in the life of ONE child. Globally, polio has been reduced 99% and Africa has not
seen a new case of polio since July 2014. However, as long as a single child remains
infected, all children are at risk.
While polio is a distant memory for many of us here in the U.S., it
remains a threat to the childhood of so many children living in developing
Vaccine-preventable diseases like polio, measles, diarrhea and pneumonia are real and kill many children every year. For example, for less than ONE (1) US dollar [$1.00], ONE (1) child can be safely and effectively vaccinated against measles. Shot@Life means providing children around the world with the opportunity to receive the needed vaccines that will give them, truly, a “shot at life”.
You are the ONE that can make a difference this week by pledging your support for global health and educating yourself about our campaign, or donating at www.shotatlife.org. Shot@Life is a national movement to educate, connect and empower Americans to become champion for vaccines. It is continuing to strengthen the call to action for this global cause. Together, we can help save a child’s life every 20 seconds by expanding access to these needed vaccines. For children in developing countries, a vaccine gives them a chance at many of life’s “firsts”— first smiles, first birthdays, first steps and more. [BB1]http://www.cdc.gov/features/measles/#adv2vax #va
Vaccine-preventable diseases like polio, measles, diarrhea and pneumonia are real and kill many children every year. For example, for less than ONE (1) US dollar [$1.00], ONE (1) child can be safely and effectively vaccinated against measles. Shot@Life means providing children around the world with the opportunity to receive the needed vaccines that will give them, truly, a “shot at life”.
You are the ONE that can make a difference this week by pledging your support for global health and educating yourself about our campaign, or donating at www.shotatlife.org. Shot@Life is a national movement to educate, connect and empower Americans to become champion for vaccines. It is continuing to strengthen the call to action for this global cause. Together, we can help save a child’s life every 20 seconds by expanding access to these needed vaccines. For children in developing countries, a vaccine gives them a chance at many of life’s “firsts”— first smiles, first birthdays, first steps and more. [BB1]http://www.cdc.gov/features/measles/#adv2vax #va
We are holding a Champion Training this
Wednesday night, April 29, from 8-9:30 p.m.. Please join us! Click this link to sign up. #vaccines work @Shot@Life #nurseswhovaccinate.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Letters to the Editor - BALedger.com: Community
Letters to the Editor - BALedger.com: Community It is important to realize that these diseases are real and are killing many children around the globe. also many mothers walk 10 to 15 miles to the nearest clinic to get their children immunize.
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